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Petroselinum crispum


Kilikia (also written Cilicia) is an ancient region in the southeastern corner of modern Turkey. This rare subspecies of common parsley grows wild in the cool woodsy glens along the southern coast of Turkey and the northern coast of Cyprus. Its delicate leaves resemble chervil, yet its flavor is more intense than most Italian flat-leaf parsleys. 


Both wild harvested and cultivated since the Middle Ages, this parsley was once an important ingredient in the regional cuisine of the Eastern Mediterranean. Even the fragrant seeds may be used like celery seeds in cookery. Our original seed was collected in 1965 from a garden in Temblos, Cyprus and then brought to the US during the 1970s. The plant is biennial and will over winter with minimal protection in Zone 7 and 8.  Plant 8 inches apart in semi-shade in moist soil rich in compost. 


~50-60 seeds per packet. 

Kilikian Wood Parsley

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